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For the Week of May 2-6


This past week, students have continued to add reflection posts on MyBlueprint (log in with the link in your email or by having your child log in with their district Microsoft login). I have also been regularly leaving assessment comments updating you on your child's progress and achievement relating to grade level standards. We've wrapped up the first draft writing of our Camp NaNoWriMo stories. The next steps will be to analyze, revise, and edit these stories. Any stories which are not complete are now homework, as they will need to be finished for us to move forward next week; we will begin analyzing their stories on Monday, and they will not be able to complete this analysis if their stories are not finished.

Some notes on our Learning this week:


  • Analyze and Revise Camp NaNoWriMo stories


  • Collaborative Literacy Groups


  • Buckle down for the final push. Many students are working towards the advanced level skills and understandings from our grade 4 math program. Others are continuing to work towards mastering the foundational and intermediate level outcomes.

Social Studies

  • Continue our Settlers of Alberta (part 2) unit. This section focuses on the impact British settlers ands structures had on the development of Alberta as a province.

Notes for next week:

  • Gilbert Patterson Band Concert - Tuesday May 3rd


Thanks for reading!

Mr. V

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