For the Week of Mar 21-25
This past week, students have continued to add reflection posts on MyBlueprint (log in with the link in your email or by having your child log in with their district Microsoft login). We continued moving forward with our Film study, focusing on Rising Action with the movie UP. Due to the short week, we did not get to spend any time reading their Book Club books, but will pick that up this coming week.
This upcoming Wednesday our class will be joining Mr. Tyslau in the makerspace for our class's turn at the Mars Month makerspace activities. Super exciting!
Some notes on our Learning this week:
- Continue our Film Study with a focus on Character details
- Book Clubs: Friendship unit (continued)
- continue reading and discussing the books with their groups
- If you have not already, please sign up to view your child's MyBlueprint portfolio where they share their thinking and understanding in mathematics
- Feel free to leave comments for them!
Social Studies
- Begin our new unit focusing on the arrival of European explorers and missionaries in this land we know as Alberta
Notes for next week:
- TacoTime hot lunch on Wednesday Mar 23
- Mars Month Makerspace activities on Wednesday
Thanks for reading!
Mr. V