For the week of Mar 14-18
This past week, students designed and constructed Mars/Space-themed Theme Park rides and attractions. It was a ton of fun, and the students did some deep thinking and problem solving throughout. I encourage you to check out their reflection posts on MyBlueprint (log in with the link in your email or by having your child log in with their district Microsoft login). If your child's final reflection/presentation video is not up on their portfolio now, it will be early next week when we have had a chance to check it together. They also continued to read through their Friendship unit book club books. We did some modelling around having a good conversation with their groups. We also got to visit the Learning Commons on Tuesday, which is set up and equipped for Mars Month - see below for some pictures of what we got up to!
This upcoming Monday is Mars Monday/Pi Day. We will have some special presentations via Zoom/Teams on a number of topics, as well as a personalized presentation from Dr. Prasun Desai of NASA.
Some notes on our Learning this week:
- Continue our Film Study with a focus on Rising Action
- Book Clubs: Friendship unit (continued)
- continue reading and discussing the books with their groups
- If you have not already, please sign up to view your child's MyBlueprint portfolio where they share their thinking and understanding in mathematics
- Feel free to leave comments for them!
- Finish our exploration of Simple Machines/Devices that Move by looking at different ways of storing energy and our final unit quiz
Notes for next week:
- Mars Day on Monday
- Parent-Teacher interview Thursday afternoon (No School for students)
- Professional Learning Day Friday (no school for students)
Thanks for reading!
Mr. V