Lethbridge , Alberta
This past week, students began exploring how to elaborate on, expand, and confirm the accuracy of the ideas in their information texts. They even got to take a little field trip down to the Learning Commons during Writers' Workshop to do some good old-fashioned print research. We had our first lesson of our new Science unit (Wheels and Levers). Finally, we began our grade 4 Kids in the Know lessons on personal safety and emotional intelligence and awareness. Please make sure that you talk with your child about our lessons as the classroom content should only be the beginning of the conversation.
This week we are beginning our grade 4 collaborative literacy blocks with Mr. Firth and Miss Welch's classes, where students will be engaging in different literacy activities targeted at their specific learning needs. I'm quite excited about it as it will not only give students an opportunity to learn with their peers, but also to really dig deep on specific literacy skills.
Some notes on our Learning this week:
Notes for next week:
Thanks for reading!
Mr. V
Lethbridge , Alberta