Lethbridge , Alberta
This past week, students studied mentor texts to write introductions to their information texts, as well as taking all that they have learned these past few weeks and doing large-scale revisions to one chapter of their book. We also began exploring our first two simple machines in our new science unit (wheels/rollers and pulleys). We also continued talking about emotional literacy in our Health lesson, and had a fun challenge in math (ask about the 7s Challenge) while the internet was down!
This week we began our grade 4 collaborative literacy blocks with Mr. Firth and Miss Welch's classes. The students were introduced to their specific literacy-focused activities and were introduced to the expectations and procedures that will guide their independent learning over the next few school weeks.
**Please see the gallery below for a picture of the card students use to guide their Metacognition reflections in Math. There are three questions they are asked to consider and answer in each and every reflection.**
Some notes on our Learning this week:
Notes for next week:
Thanks for reading!
Mr. V
Lethbridge , Alberta