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Farewell December, Hello 2025!


And we're back for a new year! Welcome to 2025. It's incredible how quickly the time can fly, especially when we're excited about holidays and fun activities which go along with them. Starting in January, Mr. Denness, our University of Lethbridge Practicum 3 intern teacher, will be teaching in the mornings, focused on Math and Writing. Check out the video below for some of our highlights in December:

Please see below for our academic focuses in December. It's a short, busy month, so some topics may be quite limited:

Writing (smaller group - some students with Mrs. Morden):

Students have completed some "New Year's Resolutions" writing, and will spend the rest of the month working on their second round of Opinion Writing with Mr. Denness. Specifically, they will look at different strategies for expanding on their ideas and polishing their writing to make it more publishable.


Students will explore a variety of text types, comparing and contrasting the features which make them special.


In January, students will spend the majority of the month working with Fractions, Decimals, and Percentages; they will look at these different representations of partial numbers and how they are related. They also will spend some time working to add and subtract decimal numbers.


We will begin our brand new Space and Constellations unit. In it, students will investigate different objects in space, the ways we can observe these objects, and the ways in which their observation has impacted daily life throughout human history.


We'll be taking a break from Social Studies to focus on Science this month.


In the month of January we'll wrap up our last couple Kids in the Know health lessons, before moving on to a short study of Nutrition and Healthy Eating.


Students will review vocabulary and grammar learned before the break before moving on to explore descriptive language.


In art, students will utilize their skills related to value and gradation to create winter-themed landscapes with detailed window frames in the foreground.

Important Notes for the next month:

  • Not a lot to report for this month
  • Friday Jan 31 is a PL day
  • Look for information soon regarding our upcoming Skating days
  • Details for our Grade 4/5 Ski Field Trip to Castle Mountain will be coming home soon as well!

Thanks for reading,

Mr. V

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