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Farewell November, Hello December


Looking out the window, it's hard to believe that Winter isn't technically here yet, but we're only a couple weeks away. Thank you to everyone who was able to come out to our Hive Night in November. I hope you found it informative, and that you left with a clearer understanding of your child's learning and progress. We also welcomed Mrs. Morden into our Grade 4 team, helping us to work with smaller groups of students during core literacy and numeracy instruction. Check out the video below for some of our highlights in November:

Please see below for our academic focuses in December. It's a short, busy month, so some topics may be quite limited:


Students will wrap up their first Information Writing topic. We've been brainstorming topics and categories, and now they'll be moving into the drafting phase to say lots about their topics and include a variety of kinds of information.


Students will spend the month reading and discussing book club books, utilizing their summarizing, inferring, and discussing skills.


In December we will wrap up the first level of our final topic: Sequences (Patterns). Students will then spend time reviewing before writing our first cumulative assessment.


We will begin looking at some of our Space outcomes, specifically around constellations and the winter equinox.


In December we will finish our first Social Studies unit! Students have spent weeks researching Alberta's natural regions, and are now working on a polished "Travel Plan Presentation" to present to the class.


In the month of December we'll wrap up our Kids in the Know health program, focusing on Home Alone Safety, Online Safety, and how to recognize and avoid unsafe situations.


Students will continue to learn vocabulary and phrases related to winter seasons and activities.


In art, students will engage in several winter and holiday-themed art projects, utilizing their skills in colour schemes, value and gradation, and line.

Important Notes for the next month:

  • Nov 8th - Remembrance Day ceremony at 10:40am
  • Wednesday Dec 11th - Caroling at Extendicare (leave at 1:40pm)
  • Thursday Dec 12th - Matilda Performance at University of Lethbridge (10:30-2:15)
  • Week of Dec 16-20th:
    • Monday - Red and Green Day
    • Tuesday - Tinsel Tuesday (wear sparkly things, wear tinsel, etc.)
    • Wednesday - Holiday Sweater and Socks Day
    • Thursday -  Christmas Character Day (dress up as the grinch, Santa, elf, a who from Whoville, etc.) 
    • Friday - Pajama Day
  • Friday Dec 20th - Winter Solstice celebration

Thanks for reading,

Mr. V

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