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Farewell October, Hello November


The cold seems to be setting in now, and I've put away my summer jacket! Please make sure that your child has indoor shoes, as they will be required to take off wet and muddy shoes when they come in from recess, which will happen more often as we begin to get snow. We're really settling in to our routines and units now, and many of our early-year assessments are complete. Check out the video below for some of our highlights in October:

Please see below for our academic focuses in November:


This month, we are wrapping up Opinion/Persuasive writing. Students will work to develop their ideas for clarity and impact. Near the end of the month, I hope to begin working on Informational writing, in which students teach about a topic they know well.


October has been very focused on reading assessments! In November, we'll develop skills for discussing books we've read, including inferencing and summarizing, then begin our first round of book clubs.


In November we will wrap up the first level of our final three topics: Angles (Shape and Space), Sequences (Patterns), and Scales (Data and Statistics). Students are continuing to work through Thinking Tasks most days, and we are beginning more small-group work to target skill and understandings which have proven more difficult.


This month we will be stepping back from Science to focus on our first Social Studies unit.


In November we will be working through our first Social Studies unit! Students will complete a "Travel Profile" survey detailing some of the sights and activities they would enjoy visiting if they took a tour of Alberta. Next, they will be given (anonymously) one of their classmates' profiles, and begin developing a Travel Plan to one of the regions of our province based on the information contained within. Over the next few weeks, the students will dig deeper into researching each of Alberta's regions and refine their choices, before preparing a polished "Travel Plan Presentation" to present to the class.


For the month of November we'll spend a great deal of our Physical Education time developing the skills and understandings related to Volleyball. We'll also focus on our Kids in the Know health program, developing students' skills in personal safety and relationships.


Students will continue to learn vocabulary and phrases related to the classroom, as well as autumn and winter seasons and activities.


In art, students will continue learning about colour-mixing and colour-schemes. Soon, we'll apply those understandings to an autumn-themed project.

Important Notes for the next month:

  • Nov 8th - Remembrance Day ceremony at 10:40am
  • Nov 11th - NO SCHOOL for Remembrance Day
  • Nov 12th - NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS (Division Professional Learning Day in AM, then School-Based Professional Learning in PM)
  • Nov 15th - Rock Your Mocs
  • Nov 21st - Hive Night #2 (Builder Bees) from 5pm-7pm
  • Nov 22nd - Report Cards come out

Thanks for reading,

Mr. V

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