Week 9
My apologies for missing the class blog last week - I had to be away on Friday. Over the last couple weeks, we've had some fun activities: we had our student teacher, Miss B, come to visit us (she starts officially on Nov 15); we participated in the district Poppy Project, painting poppies with natural paints to be made into buttons for our veterans; we finished up our first writing unit with a peer reading and review session; we also got to visit the Makerspace a second time, and students signed up for our 3D printing club which starts next week!
We have a few exciting things happening next week. First up, we have picture retakes on Monday for those who would like them. Our students will also be recording a Remembrance Day performance on Tuesday, to be shared with the school at our virtual Remembrance Day assembly on Wednesday.
***If you have a family member who is a veteran, and you are comfortable, could you send a digital copy of a picture of them for the performance? We are hoping for students to hold a picture of a veteran.***
Some notes on our Learning next week:
- Remembrance Day writing
- Sentence Writing assessment
- Word Study - contractions using "have"
- Set-up and begin our Reading Clubs and Guided Reading
- Very impressed by students' progress!
- Many students are learning about Patterns and Time & Date
- Ask your child what topic they are learning about!
- Region Research - researching the different regions of Alberta and practicing taking Jot Notes
Notes for next week:
- Picture Re-takes on Monday
- Performance recording on Tuesday (Wear Black!)
- No School Thursday (Remembrance Day) or Friday (Non-Instructional Day)
Thanks for reading!
Mr. V