Week 2
After week two, we are settling into the new school and new routines. The students are jumping in and giving it their all! (See below for a number of pictures from the first couple weeks) This week, we will begin with concrete curricular objectives in a number of areas.
Our parent info night will be different than I am used to this year, with a video presentation rather than a live (or even pseudo-live, over Teams) meeting. I am available most days after school, and would love to chat! Please reach out if you'd like to set up a meeting and we will find a time that works.
Next week we will be working on...
- Brainstorming ideas that we could write about
- Writing complete sentences
- Launch Narrative Writing!
- Developing independent reading stamina
- Selecting books that challenge us to grow (but aren't too hard!)
- Reading with a partner
- How to do the Spiral Math program
- Begin with World 1, Level 1: Understanding and Representing Numbers
- Introduction to the Scientific Process
- Launch Waste in Our World unit
Notes for next week:
- "Parent Info night" happens Monday Sept 13th
Thanks for reading!
Mr. V