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Week 11


After a short week last week, we were back at it this week. Miss Bundschuh (Miss B) started with us on Monday, and will be here until Dec 16th. The students moved on from the research portion of our Social Studies unit and began working on their final projects. They also began reading their book club books as part of our Fantasy genre study. I had the opportunity to run a few guided reading groups, and met with many students to check in on their math understanding.


Some notes on our Learning next week:


  • Focus on reading response projects


  • Word Study - contractions using "would" and "had"
  • Reading Clubs and Guided Reading


  • Very impressed by students' focus and insight into their learning!
  • Everyone is moving forward and taking charge of their own learning.
  • Ask your child what topic they are learning about!


  • Finishing Regions projects and presenting about them


  • Begin our Lights and Shadows unit

Notes for next week:

  • ... not much? It's a pretty normal week!


Thanks for reading!

Mr. V

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