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Week 1


Our first week back has ended now! It was a fantastic first few days. It was really cool to finally meet everyone and begin exploring the ways that we'll do things here at Dr. Robert Plaxton.

As I mentioned in my email before the year started, there are many things that we'll be doing differently here at Plaxton this year. One that will have an effect on parents as well as students is our focus on reducing paper usage. To this end, I will use REMIND and this blog as my main communication tools. If you have used REMIND in the past, it may be a bit different this year as it will be a one way communication tool and I will not be able to receive messages from you on that platform. If you wish to contact me, please call the school if it is time sensitive - otherwise an email will work just fine. I will occasionally use email as well (particularly when sharing documents), so please check with the office to make sure that your information is up to date in our system (I have a few families that do not have emails attached).

Please also note that we will be having a video "Meet the Teacher Night" on September 13th, where I will give a brief overview of classroom routines, a few programming notes, and introduce myself a bit further. However, I know it's challenging being a new school, and not being able to come into the school casually. Please feel free to come by my window after school! I am more than happy to come out and chat with you in person. I will also typically be outside our orange doors for at least a few minutes after school each day if you want to catch me then.


Next week we will be working on...

- introducing the content and expectations for many of our subjects

- solidifying routines within the classroom


Notes for next week:

  • no school on Monday September 6 (Labour Day)


Thanks for reading!

Mr. V

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