Goodbye November, Hello December!
Thanks for dropping by again! November is always a rush as we wrap up assessments, prepare for report cards, and move on to new topics! I feel as though we've begun to settle into some of our routines for the long hall, which has been wonderful to see and be a part of. Our PS1 student, Miss Hannah Couture, has been with us for most of the month (her final day is December 14th), and she has been teaching a variety of lessons; from a shadowbox science experiments to student-designed relay races in the gym.
Please see below for a quick video overview of the month!
Please see below for our academic focuses in December:
This month, we're returning to Narrative writing for a few weeks, focusing on revision, editing, looking at their writing through the eyes of different audiences, and... publishing! Please see the most recent message for an invite to our publishing party.
In our Word Study lessons, we'll continue with our focus on Spelling Patterns.
Students will be wrapping up our "Book Clubs". They'll finish the books in a couple weeks, and have an opportunity to reflect on the book they've read through the lenses of summarizing and inference.
I'll also be continuing guided reading with small groups throughout this time, working closely with a few students at a time to target foundational reading skills.
We completed our first "Big Boss Battle" cumulative assessment and I was very pleased to see how well the students did! In our next "level" of math, we've working to relate fractions, decimals, and percentages, and will spend December working on addition and subtraction.
We recently began our Lights and Shadows unit. Miss Couture and I have been planning a fun set of centers to engage with the various topics, such as the relationship between light and colour, how objects interact with light by reflecting or casting shadows, and classifying objects as transparent, translucent, and opaque. We'll wrap this topic up in the next couple weeks, concluding with a unit test in mid-December.
The students produced some really fun travel plans based on their anonymous classmate's preferences! We don't have a new social topic for December, but will pick up with our next topic in January.
In December, we will be exploring floor hockey, focusing on safety, basic skills (controlling, passing, shooting), and teamwork. In the classroom, we are beginning our Kids in the Know lessons (please see here if you're curious what the lessons are for grade 4). To continue our focus on the changing of seasons, specifically using the cycle of Equinoxes, Solstices, and the ways different cultures have recognized these events (and infused them with meaning), we will be theming some of our Wellness lessons this month around the Winter Solstice (December 21st). Our focus will be, "What is good in my life and what do I have to be grateful for?"
Students will work together to plan (in French) a Winter party for Miss C's last day!
Our art focus for the month will be on on creating art for the holidays. We have a variety of fun, wintery themed art projects and ideas, and will be looking at expressing feelings through our creations.
Important Notes for the next month:
- Wednesday Dec 13th: Caroling at Extendicare (afternoon) AND Winter Wonderland family celebration (6-7:30)
- Thursday Dec 14: Pajama Day, Grade 4 Publishing Party, AND Miss C's last day with us
- December 18-22 Theme Days: Monday - Red and Green Day; Tuesday - Tinsel Tuesday (wear sparkly things, wear tinsel, etc.); Wednesday - Holiday Sweater and Socks Day; Thursday - Christmas Character Day (dress up as the grinch, Santa, an elf, a who from Whoville, etc.); Friday - Pajama Day
Thanks for reading,
Mr. V