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For the week of Nov 28-Dec 2
It's been a few weeks since my last blog. Since then, we've welcomed Mr. Tyler McCallum into our clas as a student teacher from the U of L, as well as Mr. Quinton to fill the role of educational assistant. In class, we have begun the final project in our Waste in Our World Science unit, and have begun our Narrative writing unit.
Some notes on our Learning this coming week:
- Narrative Writing Benchmark #2
- Developing Characters Across Multiple Stories
- Giving Characters Secret Thoughts and Quirkiness
- Collaborative Literacy Groups
- Patterns Level 1 - Attributes of Numbers and Patterns Mini-Boss Battle
- Beginning Shape and Space Level 1 - Time and Date
- Complete Waste Report final project
- Introduction to Alberta's Regions
Notes for next week:
- Not much to report :)
Thanks for reading!
Mr. V