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For the week of Mar 13-17


It's been a while since my last update, and I apologize for that. It's gotten pretty crazy with report cards, Ski Trips, and sick kids. In any case, it's been busy around the classroom! We have begun our exploration of simple machines, started building capacity in persuasive/opinion writing, and dug deeper into fractions and decimals. We had our Grade 4/5 Ski Trip last week, which was an absolute blast (thanks again to everyone who helped make that possible!).

Finally, Report Cards are live now. Please sign on to Powerschool to access your child's report card, and feel free to message me if you have any questions or concerns!

Some notes on our Learning this coming week:


  • Opinion Writing: Benchmark #2, and the features of persuasive writing


  • Carnival Building Project! - this is a big project, and we'll be spending large chunks of each day working on it. It was SUPER fun last year, and we're really looking forward to it!

Notes for next week:

  • Mars Month Session #2 - Wednesday AM
  • No school Thursday PM or Friday
  • Parent-Teacher Interviews Thursday afternoon (by teacher request)
  • Celebration of Learning Thursday evening (5-7pm)

Thanks for reading!

Mr. V

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