Learners are innovative thinkers who are successful, confident, respectful and caring

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For the week of Jan 24-28


This past week, students engaged in a variety of thinking tasks over Math, Social Studies, and Language Arts. They worked collaboratively to come up with solutions to the task, and reflected on both their learning and the learning of their peers (see the bottom of the post for an example of one of the tasks they did).

In Social Studies, the students finished up their their focus on fossils and moved on to learning about the history of Alberta's First Peoples through artifacts and oral stories. They researched some of the specific tribes who's traditional territory runs through Alberta. In our writing unit, the students continued to explore different structures and methods for organizing the information they are intending to teach.

The students also started using the MyBlueprint platform to record their weekly math journals. In these "Metacognition Journals", they are prompted to answer 3 questions: What are you learning about? What have you done to check your understanding (and how did it go)? How do you feel about your learning? This will be a weekly task for the students to document their thinking and guide their future learning, and you can access these reflections (check your email for an invitation).


Some notes on our Learning this week:


  • Strategies for saying more about your topic
  • Connecting info within and across chapters
  • Information Writing Benchmark #2


  • Read-Aloud: Friendship unit (continued)


  • Check your email for an invite to view your child's MyBlueprint portfolio where they share their thinking and understanding in mathematics


  • Alberta's History
    • wrap up fossils and artifacts
    • exploring the Blackfoot language

Notes for next week:

  • No School Friday (PL Day)


Thanks for reading!

Mr. V

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