For the week of Jan 17-21
My apologies for the long gap between posts! We did have a long break in there, but I was also out sick the end of the last week (not COVID, thank goodness... just stuffy noses, coughs, and plugged ears running rampant through my house).
Last week in class, the students did some reflecting and goal setting. They began a new social unit, focused on Alberta's history, and focused on fossils and fossil history. In math, the re-familiarized themselves with the routines and expectations, and refreshed their memories of what they had been learning about. They also began a new writing unit in Information Writing. I want to thank the students for their excellent behaviour and support - Mrs. Sherwood had great things to say about the class while I was away.
Some notes on our Learning this week:
- review developing Table of Contents
- developing ideas using different structures
- drafting information writing!
- Read-Aloud: Friendship unit (continued)
- Look for an update soon about how you can check in regularly on your child's thinking and learning
- Alberta's History
- Fossils (Tyrrell's Find and Fossil Fuels)
- Indigenous Peoples of Alberta - Oral Stories and Artifacts
- Living off the Land
Notes for next week:
- send your child with 2 masks per day if possible (changing masks after second nutrition break)
Thanks for reading!
Mr. V