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For the week of Feb 14-18


This past week, students studied mentor texts to write introductions to their information texts, as well as taking all that they have learned these past few weeks and doing large-scale revisions to one chapter of their book. We also began exploring our first two simple machines in our new science unit (wheels/rollers and pulleys). We also continued talking about emotional literacy in our Health lesson, and had a fun challenge in math (ask about the 7s Challenge) while the internet was down!

This week we began our grade 4 collaborative literacy blocks with Mr. Firth and Miss Welch's classes. The students were introduced to their specific literacy-focused activities and were introduced to the expectations and procedures that will guide their independent learning over the next few school weeks.


**Please see the gallery below for a picture of the card students use to guide their Metacognition reflections in Math. There are three questions they are asked to consider and answer in each and every reflection.**


Some notes on our Learning this week:


  • Finishing up our Informational Writing unit
    • Information Text Features
    • Paragraphing
    • Benchmark #3


  • Read-Aloud: Friendship unit (continued)
    • Finish our novel - Mangoes, Mischief, and Tales of Friendship
    • Reflect on what these books have taught us about Friendship


  • If you have not already, please sign up to view your child's MyBlueprint portfolio where they share their thinking and understanding in mathematics
  • Feel free to leave comments for them!


  • Continue our exploration of Simple Machines with lessons on Levers and Gears

Notes for next week:

  • White and Red Day on Monday
  • Valentine's Day party on Monday as well
  • Pink Shirt Day on Wednesday


Thanks for reading!

Mr. V

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