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Farewell January, Hello February!


We're settling into the new year nicely by this point. Thank you so much to Yue Liu and Terry Mah for teaching us about Chinese New Year and helping us to celebrate this wonderful holiday! February is a super short month, but it's packed full of all sorts of activities. We'll be going skating, preparing for our Ski trip in March, wrapping up most of our units, and watching the Oliver! play at Gilbert Patterson. Check out the video below for some of our highlights in December:

Please see below for our academic focuses in February:

Writing (smaller group - some students with Mrs. Morden):

Students will return to Information Writing, focusing on collecting research to flesh out their writing and including various text features.


Students will spend the month of February working through our second Book Club unit. Students are reading books with a space theme to connect with our current Science unit.

Math (smaller group - some students with Mrs. Morden):

In February, students will wrap up adding and subtracting decimals before moving on classifying shapes.


We will wrap up our Space and Constellations unit. Students will be learning about gravity, as well as different calendars which are used around the world and how many are connected to observations of space. We will also have a couple intensive days with Mr. Tyslau looking at the science of Mars exploration.


We'll be returning to Social Studies in March.


In the month of February we'll be wrapping up our Nutrition unit. Students are looking at the elements of Healthy Eating, including the various factors that go into food choices, and some of the specifics of the nutrients we get from our food.


Students will continue to look at descriptive language, with a focus on masculine and feminine forms of words.


In art, students will create Artist Trading Cards for submission for the DEHR to care Art Show and Sale (in support of 5th on 5th Youth Services) later this year.

Important Notes for the next month:

  • Hive Night #3: Busy Bees is Wednesday Feb 5th from 4:30-6:30
  • Skating will be on Tuesdays in February (4th, 11th, and 25th)
  • We will be attending the Oliver! play at Gilbert Patterson on Thursday Feb 13th
  • No school from February 15th to 23rd (for Reading Week)
  • Please make sure to return the Ski Trip permission forms AND complete the online survey ASAP
  • Pink Shirt Day will be Feb 26th

Thanks for reading,

Mr. V

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