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Farewell February, Hello March!


February felt like it went by so fast! But we got to do some amazing things: a performance of Oliver! at Gilbert Patterson, Valentine's Day, Mars activities with Mr. Tyslau, and our Skating trips. And it's not letting up yet. Make sure to sign up for Parent-Teacher Interviews when those go live HERE on Monday morning. As always, the numbers on the report card can only communicate so much, so these conferences provide an opportunity for our school team to chat directly with you regarding your child's achievement and experience at school. Check out the video below for some of our highlights in February:

Please see below for our academic focuses in March:

Writing (smaller group - some students with Mrs. Morden):

We will spend a little time looking at adding variety to sentence types before spending the majority of the month working on our Film Study, looking at narrative in the form of film (more information coming home soon).


Students will spend take some time looking at comprehension strategies before beginning a study on Fantasy fiction.

Math (smaller group - some students with Mrs. Morden):

We'll begin with a short focus on different types of sequences. Then students will review for and write our second Big Boss Battle cumulative assessment. Finally, students will begin an intensive review of multiplication and division facts in preparation for digging into long division and multiplying larger numbers.


Students will take a break from Science to focus on Social Studies.


We'll learn about the earliest parts of Alberta's history, beginning with ancient history and the First Peoples before exploring the beginnings of European migration and arrival in the prairies.


In March, students will explore several stick games (such as floor hockey and ringette) as well as beginning our Financial Literacy mini-unit.


Students will begin learning to describe emotions and ask questions.

Important Notes for the next month:

  • Run Club begins this month, on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 8:10
  • Report Cards go live on Friday Mar 7th
  • Ski Trip on March 11th!
  • Parent-Teacher Conferences on March 13th from 12:30-7:30 (sign up here beginning Mar 3rd)
  • No school from March 14th or 17th (for Professional Learning)
  • Theater for Young Audiences field trip on Thursday March 27th

Thanks for reading,

Mr. V

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