First Week in the Bag!
Thank you for checking in -- welcome to my class website if you haven't been here before. This week, we have been focusing on getting to know one another and building our classroom culture. Thank you so much to those who've already filled out my Student Info form and signed up for Remind (see the links in the email if you still need to do that)!
I'll be posting a monthly blog this year, sharing what we've been up to, looking ahead to the upcoming topics, and giving notice of events that will happen throughout the next month.
Please see below for our academic focuses in September:
We'll start with a focus on generating ideas, then spend some time reviewing proper sentence structure (and how to correct incomplete sentences). Finally, we'll begin our Realistic Fiction narrative writing unit.
We'll also begin our Word Study lessons, focusing on some strategies for helping to solve unfamiliar words (including how to properly break words up into syllables) and how contractions are formed and used.
Our first focus will be on selecting "Good Fit" books -- texts which sit in that sweet spot where they challenge the students, but are within their ability to read and comprehend independently. Near the end of the month, we'll explore different text forms, from Narrative to Persuasive, and look at the elements and structure of these different text forms.
Much of September will be spent developing the skills and attitudes necessary to participate in math through a collaborative problem solving approach. The students will engage in progressively more difficult tasks which require them to think through the problem, select an approach, and work collaboratively with peers to find, explain, and defend their answer using math vocabulary, symbols, and pictures. They will also begin to develop skills around identifying important information, note-taking, and checking their understanding.
Students will explore vocabulary, skills, and attitudes involved in Scientific Inquiry. Then, near the end of the month, we will begin our first science unit in which students will evaluate our school's methods and procedures for reducing and disposing of waste.
Since we'll be cycling Science and Social, we do not have a full unit focus in September for social studies. However, we will have a mini-unit in which students will review and solidify their understanding of how to read and interpret maps.
In September we will be continuing to focus our learning on building classroom culture. We will discuss our expectations (for ourselves and others), and look at the ways we should behave in school. At the end of the month, we will have two larger topics of focus: National Day of Truth and Reconciliation, and the Autumnal Equinox. I have chosen to use the changing of seasons, specifically using the cycle of Equinoxes, Solstices, and the ways different cultures have recognized these events (and infused them with meaning) to theme our Wellness studies this year. Our focus, beginning with the Autumnal Equinox, will be, "What makes a positive community?" In the final week of the month, we will also have a series of lessons unpacking what Truth and Reconciliation looks like at a grade 4 level, learning a bit out our country's past, and looking ahead to the future.
Our first few French as a Second Language lessons will look at why we would want to learn French (or an additional language), then begin with greetings, manners, and some basic school phrases.
Our art focus for the month will be on different types of lines, as well as art as mindfulness -- specifically Zendoodling. Students will learn a few Zendoodle patterns and spend time creating their own designs.
Important Notes for the next month:
- Tuesday Sept 17: Hive Night #1: What's the Buzz? - please come and engage in some goal setting!
Friday Sept 20: Terry Fox Walk/Run
Friday Sept 27: Orange Shirt Day
Thanks for reading,
Mr. V