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Goodbye January, Hello February!


It's been an exciting return to school this month. Miss Anika Huvenaars has been teaching (and will continue to teach until Family Week) Writing, Social Studies, French, and Word Study. Our schedule will shift after the break.

Please see below for a quick video overview of the last month!

Please see below for our academic focuses in February:


This month, wrapping up Information Writing and doing a few assessments in preparation for March's Term 2 Report Card. After the break, the students will begin a study on different punctuation types and their uses for communicating an author's purpose and message.

In our Word Study lessons, students will primarily focus on developing understandings of word structure, including abbreviations, possessives, and plurals.


Our study of text forms stretched out longer than expected, as students were digging deep and connecting with their peers to firm up their understandings. In February, they will spend some time examining Cause and Effect in texts they are reading, but will primarily focus on selecting and enjoying books which are a good fit for them.

I'll also be continuing to check in with small groups and individual students throughout this time, reviewing and expanding summarizing and inferencing skills.


Students will finish our study of Statistical Problem Solving, then review of our second "level" of study (Topics included: relating fractions, decimals, and percentages; adding and subtracting; classifying shapes using geometric properties; arithmetic and geometric sequences; and statistical problem solving). We will wrap up the term with a second cumulative "Big Boss Battle" assessment. In the final week of the month (after the break) the students will begin exploring equivalent fractions.


Science is returning with a bang! Using an Inquiry-based approach, students will explore simple machines (such as levers, gears, pulleys, wheels, and rollers) and their uses through planning, building, and refining carnival rides. This project will carry through into March.


Social is taking a back seat this month as students focus deeply on their Science Inquiry.


In February, we are continuing to focus on gratitude. We are continuing our Kids in the Know lessons, focusing on recognizing and avoiding "lures", as well as Home Alone Safety. For physical activity, our primary focus will be on developing skills and understandings related to Basketball.


Students will focus on family and relationship words and phrases, with (perhaps) a small mini-unit on Carnaval de Quebec, as it takes place during this month!


In February, students will complete their Winter Window Scene. They will then focus on developing implied texture using line to create a really neat "Flashlight" nighttime scene.

Important Notes for the next month:

  • Friday Feb 2 - NO SCHOOL (PL Day)
  • Wednesday Feb 6 - Canadian Winter Walk Day
  • Feb 17-25 - NO SCHOOL (Family Week)
  • Tuesday/Thursday Feb 27 & 29 - Skating at Henderson Skating Rink
  • Wednesday Feb 28 - Pink Shirt Day

Thanks for reading,

Mr. V

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