For the week of Feb 6-10
This past week we dove headfirst into multiplying larger numbers: the student explored a variety of strategies which may be used to solve multiplication problems (see photos below), compared them, and worked to identify which ones they preferred. In the upcoming days, they will select a single strategy and practice using it accurately and efficiently. We have continued with our book clubs and guided reading groups, and we had some fantastic conversations around the value of glaciers (as well as whether an Ice Age might be good for the earth) and the behaviour of animals which are "cleaned" by other, smaller animals. We also welcomed a pair of Ed 2500 student teachers into the classroom -- each will be with us for two mornings a week.
Some notes on our Learning this coming week:
- Word Study: The "F" Sound (different ways it is spelled)
- Class Read-Aloud
- finish up this round of book clubs and guided reading groups
- Number Groups Level 2 - Multiplying Larger Numbers
- Indigenous Languages (specifically Blackfoot)
Notes for next week:
- Grade 5 Basketball tournament on Friday -- we are looking for grade 4 volunteers to help run the canteen
- Please fill out the Permission Click form regarding our upcoming Ski Trip!
Thanks for reading!
Mr. V