For the week of Sept 12-16
What a wonderful first week we've had! It was really to have everyone back together in our building, and meet our amazing new class.
As we're all getting used to here at Plaxton, we don't do things quite the same as everywhere else. One difference which will have an effect on parents as well as students is our focus on reducing paper usage. To this end, I will use REMIND and this blog as my main communication tools. If you have used REMIND in the past, it may be a bit different this year as it will be a one way communication tool and I will not be able to receive messages from you on that platform. If you wish to contact me, please call the school if it is time sensitive - otherwise an email will work just fine. I will occasionally use email as well (particularly when sharing documents), so please check with the office to make sure that your information is up to date (if you've been receiving my emails so far, you can assume your email is correct :) ).
Also, a reminder that we will be having an IN PERSON (woot woot!) "School Open House/Meet the Teacher" on September 14th, where I will be available to chat and share a bit about myself, my philosophy, and our classroom (or you can just explore to your heart's content). It can be a little tougher to meet up after school with the later start and end times, but please do feel free to stop by! I am more than happy to chat if at all possible. Otherwise, you can email me and we can likely set up a meeting before school if that works better.
This coming week we will be working on...
- introducing the content and expectations for many of our subjects
- solidifying routines within the classroom
- preliminary numeracy assessments
Notes for next week:
- Open House/Meet the Teacher Wednesday Sept 14th - 5:30-7:30
Thanks for reading!
Mr. V