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For the week of June 20-24


The days were just packed this week. We had a photo scavenger hunt on Monday, and we got to do art with Mrs. Goruk's grade 3s in the afternoon. Tuesday was our field trip (which was fun, despite the rain). On Wednesday we had our final VR Development session with the UofL students, and began our final science projects (they are super cool, and you should totally check them out on MyBlueprint)! Thursday the students finished up their science projects, and learned about Home Alone safety. Then today we had our Movie Day!

Some notes on our Learning this week:


  • Some reflections on our year, rooted in Indigenous practices and ways of knowing


  • reading for pleasure!


  • last week of math - final push to see how many levels they can complete


  • all done!

Notes for next week:

  • Bring Your Own Tech day on Monday
  • National Indigenous Day on Tuesday
  • Sports Day on Wednesday (am)
  • Grade 4 Park and Picnic walking trip on Thursday (pm)
  • Grade 5 farewell ceremony on Friday


Thanks for reading!

Mr. V

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