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Week 4
This week, the students began to take ownership of their learning in Math. Some students quickly moved on from Number Sense foundations and into the foundations of working with Number Groups while others continued practicing to develop their understandings of place value, number value, and various ways of representing numbers. In writing, we dug deeper into developing ideas for fiction writing. In Science, we began exploring where our garbage goes and the concept of an Environmental Footprint.
Next week we will be working on...
- Narrative Writing: giving characters struggles and motivations, plotting with a story arc
- Conferencing with students regarding picking good reading materials.
- Reading with a partner
- Students continue to work on the foundational understanding of place value/number value and multiplication/division facts
- Continue our Waste in Our World unit
- Walking field trip in the community (Wednesday afternoon) to clean up parks and prepare for a "garbage audit"
Notes for next week:
- No school on Thursday (National Truth and Reconciliation Day)
- Orange Shirt day celebrated on Friday Oct 1
- Terry Fox walk/run on Wednesday
Thanks for reading!
Mr. V